Attending activities

At 248 ACU we maintain a steady rhythm of cadet training, learning and military experiences throughout the year. To keep up with our fun and exciting program, regular attendance is a must.

At the beginning of each year, we’ll publish a parade card which is a calendar with key dates of cadet events. To avoid disappointment, be sure to record these dates down in your family diary.

Similar to school, we follow a learning and training continuum. Through attending cadet activites, cadets complete progressive “levels” of training. Whilst some activities are fun optional experiences, for most activities, attendance is compulsory.

Parade nights

Cadets are expected to attend every parade night, occurring weekly during the school term on Tuesday nights. On parade nights, a mixture of classroom lessons and practical/physical lessons are taught to cadets. Topics vary greatly, from basics like drill, military ranks, first aid, navigation… through to advanced topics such as survival, STEM packages and leadership.

Training weekends (overnight)

Within the first three months of joining cadets, each new recruit must attend their scheduled basic training weekend. Subsequently, every 6-12 months, cadets at all levels are required to attend and participate/assist on training weekends.

Field activities (overnight camps)

At least once every half-year, cadets will attend a 2-day field activity, called a bivouac, that is out in the bush. This is often a highlight for many. Cadets will get to practise and hone their fieldcraft and outdoors skills. Attendance on these field activities is required to complete most cadet training levels. Additionally, once per year during the Sep-Oct school holidays, expect to attend a 7-day long “Annual camp” activity.

Community and military experience activities

From time to time, cadets may volunteer or be selected to attend community events such as Anzac Day commemorations. Also from time to time, opportunities may arise to visit Army or Australian Defence Force (ADF) bases. Participation in such activities is usually optional but sometimes may be a requirement to complete certain levels of cadet training.

Leadership promotion courses

As cadets start to become eligible for promotion, they will be required to attend a week-long promotion course as the final “qualification” for their promotion. Promotion courses are held during the school holidays.

Leave, sickness and non-attendance

It happens - cadets become sick, or cannot attend a certain activity because they need to study for their exams. We understand and will try to accommodate unforeseen events. When a cadet misses required training, it will be their own responsibility to organise catch-up action and self-study if needed.

When a cadet is sick, or will be foreseeably absent, we require an email from the parent/guardian to let us know of their child’s whereabouts. This process of requesting personal leave/sick leave.

We do not recommend combining cadets with another highly involved commitment (for example, such as a casual/part time job, or a serious sporting commitment) as it often leads to scheduling conflicts and will affect your ability to progress through cadets. Parents are welcome to discuss these matters with the unit’s officers (adult staff).

Costs and Fees

248 ACU is supported materially and in-kind by Army/ADF who provide us with equipment, facilities and certain resources. However, as with all other cadet units in Australia, we do not receive direct funding, and instead rely on fundraising to enable our training and activities to happen.

248 ACU charges term fees of $65.00 per term (as of 2024). Some special/weekend activities may incur their own costs and fees.

To facilitate uniform and equipment issue, a $200.00 bond is collected and is refundable upon leaving cadets, provided uniforms and equipment are returned in good order.

If you have queries or difficulty with the payment of fees, please reach out to our unit officers (adult staff).

Payments to bank account

Please make direct deposit payments to the following bank account:

📢 Please be aware that our bank account details have changed as of 01 July 2023!

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