A signed consent form is required to attend any cadet activities - such as weekend bivouacs or Tuesday night parades.

The consent form can be found on in CadetNet, on the activity’s overview page. After downloading the form, it should be filled in and signed by a parent/guardian. Then the upload button should be used to submit the consent form.

Location of the consent form download and upload buttons

Common mistakes include uploading the wrong file, or accidentally only uploading one page instead of two.

Suddenly, your “Upload” button is disabled (greyed out)! 😨

Your upload button is disabled/greyed out

How do you delete your incorrect consent form? Don’t worry, it’s simple. On the Activity page, select the “My Details” tab, next to the “Overview” tab. In the “My Activity Documents” section, click the red cross next to your incorrectly uploaded document. Now you’ll be able to upload your signed consent form again.

Click on the cross to delete your uploaded document